الخميس، 13 يونيو 2013

Portugal National Day

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Portugal National Day
 10 -
, 2014

The Portugal National Day, also known as Camoes Day, and Dia de Portugal in the native tongue, is celebrated on June 10 every year. Luis de Camoes was a great Portuguese poets and adventure who died on June 10, 1580. If you are wondering why the Portuguese celebrate their national day on the date he died, it’s because his birth date is not known. Although Camoes is known for his colonial achievements, in contemporary Portugal the celebrations encompass inclusive liberal values. Being a national holiday, this day is rapt with cultural celebrations that include parades, orchestras, fireworks and open-air get-togethers. People come on the roads and greet each other, and even if nothing special is being organized, they simply enjoy the day eating, drinking, singing songs and participating in fun sports. According to Portuguese citizens: Portugal Day is a day to remember your roots, get together and party. Listen to Portuguese music, drink a glass of port, visit a Portuguese restaurant or read The Lusiads. Lusiads is Portugal's national epic poem celebrating Portuguese history and achievements, penned by Luis de Camoes.
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